We provide DDP services to MIA, NYC and LAX through local and international logistics operators. Transit time by sea into MIA/NYC is 10-15 days and to LAX is 14-21 days. By air, there are daily flights available to these destinations.


Peruvian exports and imports have preferential trade agreements with the following countries:

ar Argentina

au Australia

image001 Austria

bo Bolivia

br Brazil

image002 Belgium

image003 Bulgaria

ca Canada

cl Chile

cn China

image005 Cyprus

co Colombia

cr Costa Rica

image004 Croatia

cu Cuba

image006 Czech Republic

image007 Denmark

ec Ecuador

image008 Estonia

image009 Finland

image010 France

image011 Germany

image012 Greece

image013 Hungary

is Iceland

image014 Ireland

image015 Italy

jp Japan

image016 Latvia

li Lichtenstein

image017 Lithuania

image018 Luxembourg

image019 Malta

mx Mexico

image020 Netherlands

nz New Zealand

no Norway

pa Panama

py Paraguay

image021 Poland

image022 Portugal

image023 Romania

sg Singapore

image024 Slovakia

image025 Slovenia

kr South Korea

image026 Spain

image027 Sweden

ch Switzerland

th Thailand

image028 United Kingdom

uy Uruguay

us USA

To be implemented:

bn Brunei

gt Guatemala

hn Honduras

my Malaysia

vn Vietnam